Gallery Mélange

  • 67 Biltmore Avenue
  • Suite 20
  • Asheville, NC 28801
  • Phone: (828) 782-1110
  • Region: Downtown

Gallery Mélange, founded in 2024 by painters Mark Bettis & Victoria Pinney, and fine jeweler, Jeffrey Burroughs, is an artist-owned space committed to showcasing the beauty and diversity of contemporary art. The gallery’s name, Mélange, reflects it's mission to create a harmonious mixture of artistic styles, mediums and perspectives. Located in downtown Asheville, Gallery Mélange is a dynamic addition to the thriving arts scene of the city.

  • Monday: 11am-5pm
  • Tuesday: 11am-5pm
  • Wednesday: 11am-6pm
  • Thursday: 11am-6pm
  • Friday: 11am-6pm
  • Saturday: 11am-6pm
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