Urban Trail

Location #25 - Ellington’s Dream

Ellington’s Dream

This granite etching renders Douglas Ellington’s original working concept of two art deco buildings of government, sitting side-by-side.  Only one followed plan ~ the intricately layered City Building, controversial at the time, a fond blessing today.  Feather ornamentation throughout the structure honors the history of the Cherokee Indians in these mountains.

Urban Trail Locations

Past and Promise

A girl in bronze drinks at a fountain.

Monument Corner

Carving tools and a work in progress represent W.O. Wolfe’s tombstone shop.

Brick Artisan

A plaque honors James Vester Miller, a son of slaves and master brick mason and artisan for the Municipal Building.

The Block

Artist Winston Wingo's bronze relief celebrates the spirit of Asheville's African-American community.

Hotel District

A bronze eagle overlooks a storied hotel district of old Asheville

Iron Plaque that says Walk into History

This "jump off" station recognizes, via plaque, the original unfolding of Pack Square where the first log courthouse of…

Building Facade of Asheville Brewing Company on Coxe Ave.

A building façade adorned in mid-century patterning with abstracted, geometric representations of pint glasses.

Bronzed hat, cane, & gloves on a bench

A top hat, cane and gloves, cast in bronze, recall the theaters and the Grand Opera House that once flourished along…