Angelique Tassistro, an iconic Asheville potter who is known for her playful ceramic dinnerware and for making splashes by inventing a signature process and style all her own!
That signature process, known in the pottery world as “layered underglaze,” produces a rich and colorful aesthetic on the surface of her handmade pottery that makes each dish, tumbler, and bowl an incredibly unique piece. And while each handmade ceramic dish crafted by Angelique is a work of art, they’re also functional, perfectly suited for everyday use in the kitchen and on the dining table!
Stop by Angelique’s studio and see her celebrated, innovative style for yourself. Learn all about her acclaimed approach to handmade pottery. And while the photos are great, there’s nothing like enjoying the funky handmade ceramic pieces in person.
Angelique’s studio is nestled in the River Arts District of Asheville and is open to the public Monday through Saturday 11 am - 4 pm or by appointment. Visit the studio at 5 River Arts Place Suite 101, Asheville NC 28801, located within Curve Studios, a converted industrial building in the heart of Asheville's River Arts District that is home to working artists and galleries. The River Arts District is the epicenter of Asheville's nationally-recognized art scene. Plan an afternoon and enjoy wandering in and out of studios, viewing original art, and perhaps catching a glimpse of an artist at work.
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