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Heroes of Hospitality


Explore Asheville Heroes of Hospitality Awards


The Explore Asheville Heroes of Hospitality Awards program honors top-of-the-line service from front-line staff and volunteers in the travel and hospitality industry in and throughout Buncombe County. Join us for the Explore Asheville Heroes of Hospitality Awards Luncheon on May 20th at noon at the Omni Grove Park Inn Grand Ballroom.

Eligible for nomination are non-managerial or non-supervisory service employees or volunteers of a visitor-facing business or organization. Visitor-facing organizations include attractions, accommodations, arts and cultural institutions, food and beverage, retail, entertainment and nightlife. Nominated employees should have direct contact with or provide direct support to visitors and customers, and they must be an outstanding ambassador of Asheville and throughout Buncombe County.

Managers and supervisors are not eligible for this award.  


PLEASE CONTACT MCKENZIE PROVOST WITH QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS AT mprovost@exploreasheville.com or 828-398-0217