Call for StatusWoman-OwnedLGBTQIA+-Owned

Cenzontle Language Justice Cooperative

  • We are a Language Justice Cooperative based in the Emma community in Asheville, North Carolina.
    Cenzontle Language Justice Cooperative is a worker-owned cooperative in Western North Carolina of majority women, Latinx, first generation immigrants who grew up interpreting for our families and communities. Worker cooperatives are values-driven businesses that put worker and community benefit at the core of their purpose. We are based on cooperative values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity, and solidarity.

    The word Cenzontle (pronounced centzontleh) comes from classical Nahuatl, a language of Central Mexico. It translates to mockingbird, “pájaro de cuatrocientas voces” (bird of 400 voices) - very fitting for a language cooperative!